Mark Giroux, Overland Planning and Zoning member and founder of COGG, has announced the formation of a new group--EGAD. A press release from the group explained the acronymic name.
East Sherwood
Drivers existing East Sherwood are only allowed a right turn onto Midland Road. Giroux said this group was formed to gather like-minded people who want to turn left onto Midland, onto Lackland or simply exit from the entrance.
Overland resident and driver, Sherry Stone, has fallen victim to the bad driving of East Sherwood residents. "A week cannot go by without nearly being hit by someone exiting East Sherwood in an illegal manner. I drive a bright yellow SUV--surely they can see that. Are they blind or do they just think they are above the law?"
When told of Ms. Stone's statement, founder Mark Giroux responded to the Picayune. "Ms. Stone may be on to something on the 'above the law' point, but really we are just God Awful Drivers. EGAD!"
Overland resident Michael Green shared the concern of many residents. "Isn't this the same joker who founded 'Citizens of Overland for Good Government', a group that has done everything but promote good government? One can hope that their goal of God Awful Drivers also has a reverse effect and start to promote better driving. "