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Sunday, July 30, 2006
Council Member requests "Reduced to Tears" Removed from Minutes

After Much Debate, Motion Fails

The Overland City Council meeting on Monday broke out into heated debated over approving the minutes of a prior meeting. Ward 3 Council Member Ken Owensby requested that the reference to him being reduced to tears be removed from the minutes. In that prior meeting, Owensby displayed odd behavior including threatening various cities employees, interrupting proceedings and, eventually, actual crying.

The motion to make the changes to the minutes was defeated by a 4-3 vote. May, O'Connell, Corcoran and Schneider voted to keep the outburst in the minutes. Knode, Owensby, and a recently awakened Sellers voted to remove the passage.

Ward 4 Council Member Glenn Corcoran explained his vote. "Owensby is always making motions regarding the minutes to make sure they include every last piece of minutia. Well, 'always' until it makes him look bad. Now his obnoxious behavior is part of the public record."