The new trash service, policies, and procedures as previously detailed, does not include pickup of recycling or yard waste. Mayor Ann Purzner has initiated a bold, new plan to handle yard waste for the residents of Overland .
The City has purchased property as the intersection of Lackland/Flora/Northfield. This will be used as a drop-off for all residential yard waste which will either be used for mulch or to feed a new herd of goats also purchased by the city. These goats will be kept at this property. "It will be just like when I first moved to Overland," stated Purzner. "Bring back the goats!"
Donna Dill, the city's new purchasing agent, explained the benefits of the plan. "It's a win-win for the city. The goats will eat our yard waste. And the city can earn revenue from the selling of goat milk and goat milk products."
Ninety-year-old resident Dorothy Johnson explains the burden the changes will place on the residents. "I don’t have a car. Am I supposed to phone Call-A-Ride every time my leaves are raked?"